페닐프로파놀아민(PPA)와 뇌졸중

 New England Journal of Medicine에 게재된 연구논문 2편은 페닐프로파놀아민(PPA)이 젊고 건강한 성인에게 뇌졸중을 일으키는 것을 밝혀냈다. 미국FDA도 소비자들에게 이 물질이 들어간 일반약의 복용을 중지하도록 촉구하였다.

 FDA는 바이엘의 기침감기약인 Alka-Seltzer Plus 발포정을 포함한 PPA가 들어간 모든 약을 수거하도록 했다.

 5년간의 예일대 연구 결과 PPA가 500명에게 뇌졸중을 일으켰고 4명이 사망했다는 사실을 발표했다. 그 결과에 따라 미국FDA는 PPA가 들어간 모든 일반약의 생산을 금지시켰다.

 바이엘은 Alka Seltzer의 사용으로 어떤 안전상의 위험도 없다며 예일대 연구의 정확성에 대해 도전했다. Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Formula를 복용 후 심각한 출혈성 뇌졸중을 일으킨 남성 환자를 포함한 소송이 아직도 계류중이다. 그는 영구적인 뇌손상을 겪고 있다.



After two studies from The New England Journal of Medicine revealed that
phenylpropanolamine ('PPA') could lead to strokes even in young, healthy individuals, the US Food and Drug Administration urged consumers to quit using drugs containing the substance.

The FDA removed all over-the-counter products which contained PPA, including Bayer's Alka-Seltzer Plus effervescent cough/cold products.

A 5-year Yale University report that indicated PPA had caused 500 strokes and four deaths; the result of this was the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) banning all over-the-counter products whuch contained PPA.

Bayer challenged the validity of the Yale University study, stating that there have been no safety risks involved with the use of Alka Seltzer. A lawsuit is still pending involving a man who suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke, after taking Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Formula. He suffers permanent brain damage.

출처] http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=200


'Cold remedies pulled from shelves', by HealthAtoz.com, a family's health web site: http://www.healthatoz.com/atoz/healthupdate/alert11082000.html (date viewed: 05.02.02)
PPA Update, published on Williams Dailey O'Leary Craine & Love's (people who represent individuals who have been injured by dangerous drugs like Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) and Baycol) web site: http://www.wdolaw.com/Press/PPAUpdate.htm (date viewed: 05.02.02)
The Final Report of The Hemorrhagic Stroke Project, May 10, 2000, prepared on behalf of the HSP Investigators. Available online at: http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/00/backgrd/3647b1_tab19.doc (date viewed: 05.02.02)
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) Information Page, by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Available online at: http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/ppa/default.htm (date viewed: 05.02.02) http://www9.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/11/07/drug.warning.ap/index.html (source: CNN, date viewed: 05.02.02) http://www9.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/11/06/ppa.02/ (source: CNN, date viewed: 05.02.02) http://www9.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/10/19/drug.stroke/index.html (source: CNN, date viewed: 05.02.02) http://www9.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/11/04/fda.drug/index.html (source: CNN, date viewed: 05.02.02)

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